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How to Prepare for CSS in 1 Year

Energy Crisis in Pakistan

The economic development is mainly dependent on Industrialization, and Industries are linked with the energy resources of a country. Pakistan is undergoing immense energy crises since last few decades, and if the problem is not addressed shortly Pakistan could face dramatic results. The current production of energy is 10,000 MW whereas the demand for energy in Pakistan is 18,000 MW. So there is 8,000MW shortfall in the energy sector which affects both the industrial and domestic sectors of the nation.

Government of Pakistan claims to curb the energy crises by 2018. However, according to some analysts this is quite impossible to overcome the shortfall within period of 2 years and without any efficient energy production program. This shortfall is somehow because of prevailing corruption in governmental level. Loans are taken from IMF and/or World Bank to control energy crises but no efficient allocations are there of such loans for energy sectors.

The focus of Pakistan’s energy product is primary by thermal power projects, with the help of Oil and Gas. About 63% of the total production of energy is generated by thermal power plants. However, secondarily, Hydro Power plants are also developed which generate about 29% of the total energy resource.  Nonetheless, about 5-6% of energy is being produced by Nuclear power project, i.e. Chashma 1 and Chashma 2. These nuclear power reactor plants were built with the collaboration of China and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, with the approval of International Atomic Energy Agency. Total production capacity of both the units is 650MW of electricity.   

The energy resources support industries of the nations that results in economic growth. So the focus of Pakistan should be on building more Dams and power projects to cope up with such energy shortfall to make a stable economy. However, this might not be possible without controlling corruption and improving tax collection centers.


            Another stumbling stone in the way of energy production is provincialism where provinces look for their personal interests rather than national interest. Same goes in the case of Diamer-Bhasha Dam whose foundation stone has been laid in 2011. The capacity of this Dam upon completion would be 4500MW and approximate completion time was 10 years i.e. in 2020. However, right after the initiation of the project the KPK government negated this project because of certain provincial interests, and till the date this project is still controversial and Pakistan is still deprived from this bounty.  

Controversial Power Projects: 

            Neelam-Jeham Hydro Electric Project was established in 1969. However due to water conflicts with India on Kishanganga river it couldn’t constructed properly. This hydroelectric power project would generate about 969MW of electricity.                       
            Kalabagh Dam is a proposed hydroelectric dam which was announced in the era of President General Musharaf (2004) for the best interest of Pakistan. However, later in 2004 the federal minister of water and power Mr. Raja Pervaiz Ashraf announced that the project has been nullified because of the immense opposition of KPK and Sindh Government. The expected production capacity of Kalabagh Dam is 3600 MW. Even the worst flood of 2010 can be curbed with the help of Kalabagh Dam, Said Yousaf Raza Gillana – Prime Minister.   

Conclusion and Recommendations:

            It has been established that the core reasons of energy crises in Pakistan are corruption, lack of funds, lack of political will and provincialism. All of these factors collectively leading Pakistan’s economy to stone-age. However, these factors must be addressed in order to flourish the economy and industrial sector of the nation. Following are some recommendation for efficient energy production.

·        The primary focus should be on hydroelectric power projects since they are cheaper, long lasting and have lesser environmental effects, instead of thermal.
·        Pakistan must consider the Wind Projects which is also another cheaper source of electricity generation. It is proposed that if successful wind projects are installed, Pakistan would have been in capacity to produce up to 50,000-150,000MW of electricity. This situation would not only fitful the required level of energy but it would also make Pakistan capable to export electricity.
·        Solar Energy projects are also efficient way of electricity production, however, it is relatively expensive than that of stated above.
·        Number of Dams must be increased in order to enhance the power production.
·        The nullified project of Kalabagh Dam must be reconsidered and negotiated with the provinces to get the best out of National Interest.     


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