I n his book Media the Second God , Tony Schwartz, a television advertising specialist, states, “ Godlike, the media can change the course of a war, bring down a president or a king, elevate the lowly and humiliate the proud, by directing the attention of millions on the same event and in the same manner .” Media imperialism is at the moment of primary importance to all the states of the developing world. It is imperative that its various aspects are studied in detail. Some sixty years ago, about the same time as Pakistan got its independence, George Orwell wrote his famous book Nineteen Eighty-Four. That classic novel with miraculous prescience depicted with a fair amount of accuracy, the events that were to unfold in the present era. In fact the thought control capacity of the powers that has gone much beyond the Orwellian fancies and fantasies and we have been so conditioned by it that we take it for granted and believe in his slogan “ ignorance is strength ”. ...
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