Before going to shapeup Eyebrows we should measure the
perfect suited length of the eyebrow.
In order to determine the correct length of your eyebrows,
there are three main guidelines.
- Place an orange stick or spatula beside the nose and the inside corner of the eye. This is usually in line with the tear duct. Any hairs that grow between the eyes and beyond this point should be removed. If you have a very broad nose, however, this guide is inappropriate: tweezing would commence near the middle of the brow. In this instance, use tear duct at the inside corner of the eye as guide.
- Place an orange stick or spatula in a line from the base of the nose (to the side of the nostril) to the outer corner of the eye. Any hairs that grow beyond this point should be removed.
- Place an orange stick or spatula in vertical line from the center of the eyelid. This is where the highest point of the arch should be.
Let’s now discuss the steps to
give a perfect Shape after measurement.
- Position the cold-light magnifying lamp to give maximum visibility of the area.
- Wash your hands.
- Work from standing behind; cleanse the eyebrow area, using a lightweight cleansing lotion or eye make-up remover. Apply a mild antiseptic lotion to two damp cotton wool pads, and then gently wipe each eyebrow. (This removes all grease from the area, so that the tweezers will not slip) The brow area should then be blotted dry, using a clean, folded facial tissue.
- Brush the brow hair with disposable brush, firstly against the natural hair growth, then with it. This enables you to define the brow shape and observe the natural line
- Measure the brows. (As guided above)
- Place a clean piece of cotton wool in a convenient position for collecting the removed hairs, for instance at the top of the couch next to the head.
- Put on disposable gloves, as you may come into contact with body tissue fluid.
- Begin tweezing, using sterilized pair of automatic tweezers. These are designed to remove hairs quickly and efficiently, and are therefore used for the bulk of the hair identified for removal. It is usual to start at the bridge of the nose; the skin here is less sensitive than under the brow line.
- Gently stretch the skin between the index and middle finger, pressing lightly onto the skin. This will help you to avoid accidently nipping the skin; it will also open the mouth of the hair follicle and minimize discomfort to you.
- Remove the hairs quickly, in the direction of growth. This prevents the hairs from breaking off at the skins surface. Hair breakage can be seen to have occurred if a stubbly re-growth appears 1 or 2 days after shaping. Incorrect removal may also cause distortion of the hair follicle, or result in the hair becoming trapped under the skin as it starts to re-grow. Hairs should be removed individually, and the tweezers should be wiped regularly on the pad of clean cotton wool used to collect removed hairs.
- Remove the hairs from underneath the outer edge of the brow, working inwards towards the nose. It is advisable to work on each brow alternatively. This ensures that the brows are evenly shaped; it also reduces prolonged discomfort in any one area during shaping. Hairs should ideally be removed only from below the brow, otherwise the natural line may be lost. It is sometimes necessary, however, to remove the odd stray hair growing above the natural line.
- At regular intervals during shaping, brush the brows to check their shape. Apply antiseptic lotion to a clean, dampened cotton wool pad, and wipe this gently over the eyebrow tissue to reduce sensitivity and to sanitize the area.
- When the bulk of excess hair has been removed, manual tweezers may be used to take away any stray hairs and to define the line. long hairs curly or wavy hairs may be removed, as long as this does not alter the line or leave a bald patch.
- On completion of brow shaping, wipe the eyebrows with the antiseptic soothing lotion, applied with clean, damp cotton wool, to reduce the possibility of infection.
- Brush the brows into shape and let your eyes have a look of finished effect.
- The hairs that have been removed should be disposed of hygienically.