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The Role of Mass Media For Social Change

What is Social Change?
Social change (or Social development) is a general term which refers to change in the nature, the social institutions, the social behavior or the social relations of a society, community of people, or other social structures; any event or action that affects a group of individuals that have shared values or characteristics; acts of advocacy for the cause of changing society in a normative way. While the term is usually applied to changes that are beneficial to society, it may result in negative side-effects or consequences that undermine or eliminate existing ways of life that are considered positive. Social change overall, however, has resulted in beneficial advances in human society, indicating that humankind is progressing toward a society that will allow all people to live in peace and prosperity.

Pakistani Media Role
The mass awareness role of the mass media in any country can only emerge from the interaction of that society’s major social factors. An analysis of these factors in Pakistani society can guide us in determining what corrective measures need to be taken to ensure an optimal role for the mass media in the process of awareness building. The hypothesis underlying this approach is that no study of the mass media can be conducted in isolation from the rest of the economy, and that an operational evaluation of the performance of individual media by itself cannot offer the long term insights that are needed to develop the mass media institutions in Pakistan.

Over the last ten years Mass Media in Pakistan has grown to its full strengths. With the advent of cheaper electronic devices, people are having opportunity to watch television channels in almost all parts of the country. Mass media is the major source of providing news and entertainment to the people who want to know who is doing what and what is happening around them. Awareness level of people is rising day by day and its overall impact on Pakistani society is very positive, however, some negative aspects of the role of Pakistani media are very lamentable.

Different Effects of Media for Social Change in Pakistan

Positive Effects

1. Level of Awareness.
The level of awareness has increased. Media has contributed a lot in increasing the general knowledge, who is who and what is what, knowledge of current issues etc. The programmers having media discussions, current affairs, documentaries, etc have been instrumental in enhancing the common man’s awareness.

2. Development Efforts of State.
Media has assisted in development efforts of state .Programmers like “Parah Likha Punjab”, “Coverage of Earthquake”, have contributed in projecting efforts being made towards state development.

3. Development of Public Opinion.
Media discussion / other programmes highlight the issues, hold cross-discussions, and identify what are reasons / angles of different interest groups / people. Stances of different segments of society on key issues are brought out: it helps make / develop public opinion on different issues.

4. Helps in Educational Efforts.
Media is also used by the state / society /organizations to promote educational activity. Allama Iqbal Open University uses media for education on regular basis.

5. Supports Democracy.
Media supports democracy by bringing out the democratic norms and inculcating the same in the general public / polity. Providing live coverage of parliament proceedings, activities of politicians, programmes on democracies are few of the examples.

6. Support to Public Issues / Affairs.
Media provides viewpoint of the public on public issues. Media has given voice to the public.

7. Employment Opportunities
The abundance of media outlets has on one hand has created lot of employment opportunities but on the other has posed challenges to the media men to excel in their fields. Jang Group has more than 50,000 employees; media persons are getting enhanced wages. Today we have number of highly professional and well-known media persons who are stalwarts of Pakistani Media and form its backbone.

Negative Effects

1. Consumerism.
Our society is consuming all messages being spread by the Media. Media has made us a talking nation, the Mobile Mania-kids, ladies, youngsters all are just talking on the mobile phones. The effect of media is very strong with respect to advertisement on consumer products, instead of being producer media has made us consumer.

2. Moral Vacuum.
The dramas, programmes etc shown on media glamorize everything they depict, this has created a moral vacuum and our younger generation is going away for our values (religious, social).

3. Westernization.
Western / Indian cultural invasion has taken place through media and is permeating Pakistan society. Our commercials are depicting western values and causing a loss of national identity. There are media talk shows on subjects including sex etc which otherwise are taboo in our society.

4. Not Developing National Image.
Our Media is blamed for not developing /projecting our national image. Our media at times uses Indian language; projects Indian Stars in our ads, etc, the threats posed to our values are immense and must be countered. Our country lacks a defined policy to promote national image through media.

5. False Values.
Pakistani Media is projecting false values in its programmes, etc. The projection of family planning, love stories in dramas, hi-fi living styles / material depicted in dramas, etc. are not real and are not based on ground realities.

A.    Media lacks compact programmes to educate Pakistani nation.
B.     Projected values on media are not congruent with our values / ground realities. It is actually projecting ‘False Values’.
C.     Programmes / dramas shown are exaggerated beyond imagination.

6. Manifestation of Interests.
Media is negatively manipulating the interests of the people. People of Pakistan are yet not critical / educated enough to realize this manipulation / twisting of facts. There is a famous dictum that “a lie spoken 100 times becomes greater than a truth”.

7. Exaggeration.
Pakistani media is also blamed for overwhelming negative exaggeration. It glamorizes issues, resorts to negative exaggeration of matters, newspaper headlines are depicting violence, etc all this demoralizes the nation. At times news are given without authentication / confirmation. Unethical material /photographs / scenes are shown on our media promoting vulgarization. Media is damaging basic fiber of our nation and has created a crisis of misidentification.

8. Dangers to Socialization.
We remain fixed to TV screens at the cost of socialization. We cut short our social activities just to watch some favorite programmes on TV. We are not undertaking socialization / giving time to our kids, parents, etc because we are glued to TV etc. This is developing a generation gap. We are giving more time to TV channels and less time o social activity and a sort of isolation is being developed.

9. Sensationalizing / Creating Uncertainty.
Our media sensationalize the issues / accidents / incidents. When too much of information is available it creates confusion. Our media is broadcasting every type of information at times even compromising the accuracy and is creating uncertainty.

10. Overloaded with Information.
Pakistani Media is discussing so many of topics are actually bombarding the audience with information. Media has flooded us with information.

(a)    This is psychologically not good for our scenes and disturbs our body functions.
(b)   Media is stuffing our minds with all types of information and has converted us into ‘generalist’. Media is misusing our energies.

(c)    Media has become corporate; it possesses / uses lot of resources and has phenomenal business / financial benefits attached to it, accordingly it bombards the viewers with information. Different surveys are undertaken to find out various methods on how to attract the viewers / readers. Media Marketing has converted us into recipient. Media is spending so much of money on efforts to attract /enhance its viewer ship.
(d)   Commercials breaks are introduced at the peak points of programmes. Such commercials are very expensive.

One Example of Negative Role of Pakistani Media
It is true that the media in Pakistan reflects the gender bias in our strictly patriarchal society, however, the enormous influence the media has on forming social change is also indisputable.
However it seems increasingly futile to rely on the media to bring about any change in the regard as long as Pakistan’s leading newspapers are still carrying by-lines such as “lady” reporter. Initiatives that have addressed gender issues appear to merely be attempts at maintaining the media’s credibility for being socially responsible. And the tragedy remains that the media, just as culture and religion, is also helping perpetuate the crime. With the ratio of one in 20 female reporters in Pakistan, a fair and balanced gender representation in the media is nonexistent. The bigger misfortune is the lack of gender sensitive material that is currently being produced by the news media.

The portrayal of women in roles that are neither positive nor realistic, some are victims and others are objects of sexual pleasure; and the far and few in between news stories about gender violence being more judgmental than factual, the impact of the media on the Pakistani youth can lead to devastating realities for the country’s future.

[This article is uploaded in urgency, in order to facilitate students, without proofreading, errors/omissions are expected]


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