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Belief in the Akhirat / Hereafter in Islam | Day of Judgment | Significance & Impacts| CSS PMS |



                The concept of Akhirat in Islam articulates that the prime purpose of this temporary life in this world is the everlasting life in the hereafter. The belief in the Akhirat is so significant that every Prophet of God warned people about the Day of Judgment and asked them to be prepared for the eternal life of hereafter. This belief is the integral component of the scheme of God as it reinforces mankind to behave as they should be, so that they could be emancipated at the Day of Judgment from the eternal fire. However, different religions have different perspectives on the concept of Akhirat. For better understanding of this concept, this discussion encompasses perspectives of both the Muslims and Non-Muslims pertaining to the Day of Judgment and Life in Hereafter.

Perspective of Non-Muslims about the Life after Death/Akhirat:   

           Atheist: Atheists are the people who do not really believe in any religion or in existence of any god. Their view point is pseudo scientific and they do not believe in life after death at all.

        Hinduism: Hinduism or Vedanstism is one of the most populous religions, regionally based mostly in India and Nepal. Hindus believe in the reincarnation, getting reborn in this world after death.  They primarily believe that one shall reborn as a good human if one has done good deeds in the current life, or else shall reborn as an animal.

          Abrahamic / Semitic Religions: Jews and Christians, being the Abrahamic/Semitic religions do believe in the concept of Akhirat. However, Jews believe they are the special children of God and are devoid of sins, hence are entitled to do wrong with others and will be given paradise in the hereafter. On the other side, Christians believe that Jesus Christ (Hazrat Issa A.S) has already purged their sins and they will be awarded paradise in the hereafter no matter what.

Arguments of Non-Believers against Life after Death/Akhirat:

                Atheist: They argue that there is no proof of life after death. They are mostly the proponent of science and facts. They articulate that there is no scientific evidence available that proves there is life after death or anything that can be counted in this regard. Science is a knowledge based on observations and experiments and none of the scientific experiments ever concluded the existence of life after death.

                Hinduism: Hinduism, as stated above, is the proponent of reincarnation in this world. They argue that if one is reincarnated as an animal, it is evident of the fact that one committed wrongs in the previous life. On the other side if one is enjoying a good life, it reflects the one’s righteous previous life.   

Islamic Concept of Life after Death / Akhirat / Day of Judgment:

                Islam unequivocally propagates the concept of Akhirat / life after death and the Day of Judgment. Mr. Khursheed Ahmad in his book “Islami Nazariya-e-Hayat” articulates following main points of this concept which are postulated in Quran and advocated by Holy Prophet (PBUH) throughout his life.

  • This life is temporary and one day God will annihilate this universe and everything that comes within.
  • Then God will bestow another life to His creation, and the entire mankind will be presented before Him for accountability.
  • Books of deeds of every human being will be presented before the Divine Court of Law.
  • Then God will weigh the deeds of every human. Whose good deeds will weigh more than his bad deeds will be awarded paradise, and whose wrong deed will weigh more than his good deeds shall be punished in eternal fire of hell.

Arguments by Believers in the light of Quran and Sunnah:

                Scientific Evidence of Doomsday:

The non-believers’ argument, that science has not proven the life after death, is highly preposterous  because science has yet to discover a lot of things and it has also failed to prove many a things which are established for their existence, spirit (Rooh) for instance. Moreover, if the science hasn’t proved that there is life after death, it has also no evidence of the fact that there is no life after death. However, science has now established that the universe was created by a Big Bang out of nowhere and has been expanding ever since and will come to an end one day. This is exactly what Islam states as the doomsday or Youm-ul-Qiyama or the Day of Judgment, when everything will be annihilated.  In Quran God says:-

                                Still people want to deny what is yet to come, asking ‘mockingly’, “when is this Day of Judgment?”. But when the sight is stunned, and the moon is dimmed, and the sun and the moon are brought together, on that day one will cry, “Where is the escape?”. But No! There will be no refuge.” – (Surah Al Qiyammah, 05-11)

                Recreation of Humankind:

After the doomsday, when everything will be obliterated, God will resurrect / reincarnate humankind to be held them accountable for their deeds in the worldly life. It is argued that it is easier for God to recreate mankind as He has already created them from scratch. In Quran God says:-

                                And among His signs is that you see the earth devoid of life, but as soon as We send down rain upon it, it begins to stir to life and grows. Indeed, the One Who revives it can easily revive the dead. He is certainly the most capable of everything.” – (Surah Fussilat, 39)

                                “O Humanity! If you are in doubt about the resurrection, then “know that” We did create you from dust…” – (Surah Al Haj, 05)         

                                ”And He is the One Who originates the creation then will resurrect it – which is easier for Him…” (Surah Al Rome, 27)

                Record of Actions and words:

The technological advancement in the field of multimedia has developed such instruments and devices which can record human actions and voices for infinite period of time. If human can invent such technology then why cannot the Creator of humankind? Definitely God has much greater sources, wisdom and technology to record all that humans say and do during their lifespan. Even Gramophone’s invention is evident of the fact that whatever humans say is transmitted through waves and when such waves interact with other things come their way, they leave footprints. With the help of such footprints, the voice can be regenerated. In Quran God says:-

                                On that day all will end up before your Lord. All will then be informed of what they have sent forth and left behind. In fact, people will testify against their own souls” – (Al Qiyammah, 12-14)

                                On this day We will seal their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify to what they used to commit.” – (Al Yasin,65)

                Divine Court of Law and Human Nature for Justice:

                                Believers argue that seeking for justice is in the human nature. It is highly absurd to believe that a universe, which is created by God Almighty, consists of people doing whatever they desire to do without any sense of responsibility, accountability and/or repercussions. This belief is false and would encourage humankind to do wrong with others for personal benefits and gains. On the contrary, Islam tells to be righteous with deeds and guides to ensure that others are safe from one’s words and actions. Thus, it is highly logical and sensible to believe that the creator of this world will surely establish a divine court of law where He will hold wrongdoers responsible for their actions and will punish them.

                                “On that day some faces will be bright, looking at their Lord. And other faces will be gloomy, anticipating something devastating to befall them.” – (Al Qiyammah, 22-24)

                Existence of Heaven and Hell:

                                Once it is established and agreed upon that this universe will be annihilated one day, and God shall recreate it again, and humans will be resurrected, will be held accountable for their actions in the Divine court of law; then it becomes easier to understand the concept of Heaven and Hell, the eternal life. To punish the wrongdoers and to award the righteous persons, definitely God has some place, and these places are termed as hell and heaven respectively. In this regards, God says in Quran:-

                                “In heavens is your sustenance and whatever you are promised” (Adh-Dhariyat,              22)

                                “As for the disbelievers, they have the Fire of Hell, where they will not be allowed to be finished by death, nor will its torment be lightened for them. This is how We reward every stubborn disbeliever.” – ( Al Fatir, 36)

                                “Burn in it today for your disbelief” – (Al Yasin, 64)

Impacts of belief in Akhirat on Individual Life:

         It develops Taqwa (fear of God): When a person is sure about the Day of Judgment and the accountability thereof, he will remain God fearing and will be upright with his deeds and actions throughout his life. In Quran God says:-

                   “…Have fear of Allah,  and know that you will meet Him…” – (Al Baqara, 223)

  • It develops a sense of Responsibility:
  • It encourages to abide by Law:
  • It develops patience and forbearance:
  • It helps in self amelioration:
  • It helps with steadfastness in religion:

Impacts of belief in Akhirat on Collective Life:

  • It develops Brotherhood and Fraternity:
  • It encourages to fulfill promises / contracts:
  • It develops mutual harmony is society:
  • Equality prevails in society:
  • It encourages justice and justness in society:


                In a nutshell, it can easily be deciphered that the concept of life in hereafter is an integral element of Islamic Code of Life. Believing in this concept helps society to grow and flourish prosperously. The disbelievers of this phenomenon commit wrong in the society and cause damage to the very social fabric. Therefore, the Allah Almighty has devised the scheme of Life after Death so that the evil ones be held accountable on the Day of Judgment and be punished in hell for an eternity.




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